Kamis, 10 Mei 2012



Rain is water falling from the sky incident on the earth. Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.
Rain is formed from water vapour in the surruonding atmosphere.It forms when the heat of the sun evaporates water in the earth like the ocean, the river, and the lake.You know the plants leaves and the land also kept water. The process where water evaporates from plants called transpiration.
The warm and moist air cools down as it raises into the atmosphere.This reduces the amount of water vapour that the atmosphere can hold. The temperature at which air can hold the most amount of water vapour is called the Dew Point.When the temperature drops below the dew point , some of the water vapour condensus into water vapour , forming clouds.The form of them always change according to the weather conditions. The clouds will move to different locations with the help of wind that bellows vertically or horizontally. The movement of the vertical wind results in the cloud forming big lumps. After that, the wind increase the size of the cloud and reach cloud will overlap.
Finally, the cloud will reach the atmosphere that has a lower temperature. Here the particles of water andice is formed which are made up of dust, salt from ocean spray and chemicals given off by industrial plants and vehicles. Eventually, the wind can not support the weight of the cloud and so the cloud that is full with water will experience a pocess called precipitation or the process where rain or hail falls to earth.

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